Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Address and Studio Relaunch

It's been an uphill battle, but finally Elysian Photography Studio has a new home. The studio has moved from Hondo Pass Street in Northeast El Paso to a more accessible location just north of Downtown El Paso. The new address is now 801 N. El Paso St., in the basement level of a Greek Revival mansion that has been converted to office and commercial space. Don't let the "basement" thing fool you, the suites and offices in that level are actually very nice, airy, open, and bright, thanks to superb renovation and lighting as well as large and attractive picture windows at street level. The studio is actually much smaller than what I had before, but frankly, most of the space was being wasted at the old location. This studio, however, is much nicer than the old one, much more attractive, and space is being used efficiently and attractively, while still retaining the full functionality of a regular photography studio. You really must see it to believe it.

On a related note, there is a Grand Opening and Studio Relaunch during the month of November. Since the original studio under the original ownership never had a formal grand opening, this time there will be a big to-do and the celebration will be done right. I am asking and inviting local artists or photographers who would like to show some of their work at the opening to please contact me, I would love to feature local talent at the studio. The month of November will also be the Holiday kick-off, and again, I welcome anyone with a fall or holiday themed idea to please stop by or contact me.

Pictures of the studio to come soon. I will be posting photos of the studio interior as well as the building exterior, as soon as all the moving and beautification is completed.

Again, feel free to drop by and relax in a comfy place for a bit. I promise to try to always have some coffee brewing for you. Maybe you can even get your picture taken.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Winds of Change

I feel it's my duty to keep our fans and customers informed of all the changes which have transpired at Elysian the last couple of months, and to hopefully provide explanation for the somewhat erratic hours we've kept and (hopefully not too much) the less than consistent service some of you may have experienced. As of October 1, 2009, officially, the ownership and management structure of Elysian Productions, and by extension, Elysian Photography, has undergone some changes. We have also had to say goodbye to some of our staff. Personal circumstances have moved my (now ex-) partners to relinquish their stake in the studio to better focus on family and career changes, and I must sadly see them go to new destinations and new frontiers. I wish them the best of luck, and thank them from my heart of heart (yes, no "S", read Shakespeare ;))for helping me start this awesome endeavor.

Elysian Photography is not going anywhere, in fact, the studio is more involved now in the community than ever. While there has been some ownership and management changes, it only means that the studio is more focused now on the most important thing: you.

There is a move being planned right now, more details to come. I'm looking at the downtown area near Sunset Heights.

Until then.
