Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting more personal with social media.

It's been a roller-coaster, no doubt, running the studio and doing all the ins and outs of business while still being accessible, staying creative, advancing technically in the craft, and attracting more projects and by extension, more business. Thankfully, so far it has been working, and I can only hope to keep the momentum going, particularly during the doldrums that are the weeks following a busy holiday season.

One of the things I have resolved to do this year, is to be more present online using the available social media at my disposal. I may not always update each and everyone of these profiles at the same time, but rest assured, I will be there and do my best to reach a much wider audience with these sites. Currently, the social websites I have profiles on are MySpace, Twitter, and of course, this Blogger blog. I am currently working on getting a studio page on Facebook, but since this is new territory for me please be patient while I get the studio page going. Right now, all I have on Facebook is a personal profile, which you're still welcome to visit and add. Hopefully, I'll have official studio pages done all around, but I will still re-vamp the existing profiles and keep everyone informed. The main thing, though, will be this blog, and those other profiles will ultimately point back to this blog (and by extension, the main site) and of course, the studio.

This blog, also, will get some different treatment. Before, posts were scarce and impersonal, only focusing on major changes in the studio. No longer. I have resolved to post more of the daily goings-on at the studio, and with my own photography personally. I will discuss techniques, numbers and data, and the creative process more fully, and trade ideas with anyone who will ask. I will also be starting a photography workshop, and those discussions will be featured here. In short, I am hoping this blog will reflect much more clearly the dynamics of my daily photographic life, and show that there is fluidity and change all around, not just a static business with seasonal promotions and stale routines.

If anyone out there is in fact following this, I encourage you to add me on MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook (personal profile, for now) and take advantage of the RSS feed available from this blog. As a local business and studio, that will be the only way to support this business and help spread the word.

Any feedback here or via e-mail is encouraged. I will do my best to respond to any contact.

Hope you had a wonderful New Year and wish everyone the best in 2010.

EDIT: I have now created the Elysian Photography Facebook page for all you fans out there. Please visit the page, add me, and spread the word!