Saturday, December 13, 2008

Specialty Print Products from Elysian

First of all, let me take a moment to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas, and a wonderful holiday season. What better time than the holidays to get in touch with friends and family, and reconnect with our loved ones. There are not very many better ways to share those holiday greetings and wishes than with a thoughtful, unique, personalized gift. Elysian Productions is now offering greeting cards with personalized photos and messages. Perfect for sending your warmest wishes to your friends and family, wherever they may be.

Also, for the remainder of the holidays, we are offering our Christmas and holiday greeting card package to military families who are separated from loved ones by distance or deployment for half price. That's right, half price. What better way to send a special holiday gift to your soldier overseas. If you are a soldier, airman, sailor or Marine stationed on or near Fort Bliss or Holloman AFB, this is also the perfect way to keep in touch with your loved ones back home.

Since the holidays are quick to come and go, we are also pleased to announce that along with our greeting cards, we are debuting our line of personalized birth announcements.

All our specialty custom print product packages include the photo session, retouching, and photo CD with portraits from the session. For more information, please contact the studio.

We look forward to hearing from any and all of you out there, and may everyone have a wonderful Christmas season.

By the way, a very special thanks to Matt and Marie Shutt for their gracious permission to feature their Christmas card.

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