Friday, February 5, 2010

Photo of San Jacinto Plaza is Published

I know this news is coming extremely late, but I honestly had no idea these had been out for a while now. Well, to be honest, I haven't seen them physically yet, but I've been told they're out there.

One of my photographs of the San Jacinto Plaza in downtown El Paso has been published by the El Paso Christian Business Directory. It's published as the front cover, no less. To see an online version of the issue, click on this link for the cover and catalog.

It's a small step, but it's exciting nonetheless to see one's work in a mass-distribution publication. Keep up to date here or on the main page, as there are other pubs right now which may be featuring my photography in the near future.

Thanks to all of you who have kept encouraging me throughout this whole time, even when it seemed like my motivation was at it's trough. That means more to me than you realize.


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